The Game of Go: Selected Translation of High Quality Chinese Go Articles

About Go translating

Hello, I’m a enthusiast of go in China. According to my knowledge there is a growing number enthusiasts of go but there are only limited number of high quality content about the game of go in English. That is why I’d like to translate some of those article from Chinese.

Most of my article would be taken from a magazine called World of WeiQi(围棋天地), which offers a lot of high quality article by both professional and very advanced player and it is targeted auditions includes enthusiasts from middle level amateurs all the way to the entry level professional player.

I’d like to translate 1 to 2 articles every other week and includes some problems from the magazine and I hope this could help enthusiasts who would like to keep up with the latest professional view on the game of go.

I’m only a middle or upper middle amateur player at best so my translation would inevitably have some bugs, I hope this wouldn’t affect your reading and please contact me if you find one. also if you have any question about go please shot me an email at (replace the # with @)

Archived Articles

All articles is listed in this page

  • HangZhou Asian Game, Final.

    I’ve dedicated to translate this article as my first translation because of its significance. A player form somewhere other than Korea, Japan or China mainland had win a gold medal in such a high level event and win several top tier player in a roll. I’ve enclosed the translation of the article in a PDF…

  • Opening: why translate world of WeiQi

    The winning of Hsu Hao-hung (許皓鋐) inspired many, and show that the game of go is quickly getting wider afflictions around the world. Yet in contrast to the fast advancing professional player in Asia, Eu and US, the amateur players in those region still faces many challenges, one of which is lack high quality game…

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